Fifth Grade


Students will develop a fluency in addition and subtraction of fractions, as well as an understanding of fraction multiplication and division. They will extend their division skills to include 2-digit divisors. They will learn to compute operations involving decimals. The concept of volume will be studied.

The student will use problem solving, mathematical communication, mathematical reasoning, connections, and representations to: 

  1. Determine an appropriate method of calculation to find the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two numbers expressed as decimals through thousandths, selecting from among paper and pencil, estimation, mental computation, and calculators. 

  2. Estimate to find the number that is closest to the sum, difference, and product of two numbers expressed as decimals through thousandths. 

  3. Find the sum, difference, and product of two numbers expressed as decimals through thousandths, using paper and pencil, estimation, mental computation, and calculators. 

  4. Determine the quotient, given a dividend expressed as a decimal through thousandths and a single-digit divisor. 

  5. Use estimation to check the reasonableness of a sum, difference, product, and quotient.

  6. Create and solve single-step and multistep problems. 

  7. A multistep problem needs to incorporate two or more operational steps.

Language Arts/Reading

Students learn how to create, support, and develop a logical flow of ideas in writing that will convey to readers a main point or message. In addition, concepts of English basics, including phonics, word origins, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar are reviewed. 

To be successful, students are expected to:

  1. participate as active listeners in group learning activities by o listening for main ideas. 

    • listening for a sequence of ideas. 

    • taking notes. 

  2. participate as informed contributors in group learning activities by:

    • asking and answering questions at appropriate times. 

    • clarifying confusing points. 

    • summarizing main ideas. 

    • organizing information from group discussion for presentation. 

    • preparing an outline for presentation prior to delivery. 

    • summarizing a presentation orally prior to delivery.


Students will explore scientific phenomena through investigations, gather and evaluate information in tables, and learn various aspects of creating meaningful models. Students are inspired to ask why and search for answers by learning to develop experiments to evaluate a hypothesis.

Social Studies

Students will learn the history of the Americas from the first Native Americans through the 21st Century. It discusses not only the historical events through these periods, but also explores the motives and mindset of the people who made them happen. 


Students will develop knowledge and skills related to the elements of art, the principles of design, the connection of music to history and culture, as well as art's many interdisciplinary connections.

Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical education will provide students with the knowledge, processes, and skills to become physically educated, physically fit and responsible in their physical activity choices and behaviors for a lifetime. Florida's standards for physical education are grouped into five categories: skilled movement, movement principles and concepts, personal fitness, responsible behaviors, and physically active lifestyle. The standards in each category are sequenced to progress in complexity from grade level to grade level.

Financial Literacy

Students will learn about financial components and skills such as budgeting, investing, borrowing, taxation, and personal financial management.