
Below you will find current SOL objectives that we were (and would be) covering so you can provide educational experiences that relate to the units of study. You will also see helpful links to websites that we think your child will find fun and educational. 


Language Arts: 

Reading (SOL K.1) 

Student will build oral communication skills. 

Reading (SOL K.2) 

Student will demonstrate growth in oral, early literacy skills. 

Reading (SOL K.3) 

Students will understand that words are made of small units of sound and that these sounds blend to make a word. Students will understand that words are made up of syllables. 

Reading (SOL K.4) 

Students will understand that all print materials follow a similar pattern and there is a one-to-one correspondence between the spoken and written word. 

Reading (SOL K.5) 

Students will understand that print has meaning, and they can recognize their own writing as a form of print. 

Reading (SOL K.6) 

K.6 The student will develop an understanding of basic phonetic principles.

Reading (SOL K.7) 

Student will expand vocabulary and use of word meanings.  

Writing (SOL K.10) 

Student will print in manuscript. 



Earth/Space Science and Cycles (SOL K.9) 

The students will be able to investigate that there are repeating patterns in his/her daily life. Students will investigate seasonal changes (Spring begins on  Mar. 20th), predict daily weather conditions, describe what plants and animals are doing during this seasonal change. 

Life Processes and Living Systems (SOL K.6) 

Students will be able to identify the basic characteristics of living things (growth,  movement, and basic needs). Students will be able to classify items by living or nonliving.



Measurement - Money (SOL K.7) 

Students will recognize the attributes of a penny, nickel, and quarter as well as identify the number of pennies equal to a nickel, dime, quarter. 

Number Sense - 0-20 (SOL K. 1) 

Students will count sets from 0-20. They must be able to read, write, and represent the numbers 0-20. 

Number Sense - Counting/Compare (SOL K.2, K.3) 

Students will compare sets (more than, less than, equal to) and given no more than three sets will order sets from greatest to least and least to greatest. Students will count orally by ones from 0-100 

Number Sense - Fractions (SOL K.5) 

Students will represent and solve problems involving equal sharing with two sharers. 

Number Sense - Addition (SOL K.4) 

Student will a) recognize and describe with fluency part-whole relationships for numbers up to five; and b) investigate and describe part-whole relationships for numbers up to ten.

Computation - Story Problems (SOL K.6) 

Student will model and solve single-step story and picture problems with sums to ten and differences within ten, using concrete objects.